Note: In order to keep this website GDPG (EU-DSGVO) compliant, we have decided not to include Google Maps locally. Instead, we offer here a button that opens Google Maps with our address.

Getting here

By car/taxi


Boardinghouse Luise5
Luisenstr. 5
69115 Heidelberg
+49 (0) 6221 65 56 11 4


Next to the ATOS Clinic Heidelberg underground car parks nearby

  • P14 ATOS Clinic (20 m away)
  • P0 on Bismarckplatz (160 m away)
  • P15 Clinic Bergheim (550 m away) Thibautstr.1A, 69115 Heidelberg


Heidelberg main station:
2,3 km ( approx. 7 min. )
Frankfurt airport:
83 km ( approx. 50 min. )
Stuttgart airport:
130 km ( approx. 1 Std. 20 min. )

By public transport:

From the main station:

  • Take the no. 5 tram towards Schriesheim (get off at the „Bismarckplatz“ tram stop) approx. 6 min.
  • Take the no. 34 bus towards Bismarckplatz (get off at the „Bismarckplatz“ bus stop) approx. 8 min.


Luise5 – Bismarkplatz Heidelberg approx. 3 min. on foot